Transcutaneous Pacing (TCP) With and Without Capture

EMS is dispatched to a private residence for 70-year-old female who is believed to be unconscious. On arrival, the patient is found lying in bed unresponsive to painful stimuli. The patient’s skin is pale and clammy. Her shirt is damp. Snoring respirations are noted and a slow carotid pulse is present. A medical history is […]

May 23, 2016

Everything You Should Know About Diltiazem (Cardizem)

A 50-year-old male with a history of hypertension (HTN) and atrial fibrillation (AF) presents to the Emergency Department with complaint of palpitations, which started while mowing the lawn. He is alert and oriented with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 15 and no signs of Hypoperfusion. Heart Rate: 165/min, strong and irregular Blood Pressure: 140/100 […]

May 5, 2016

How to Master BVM Ventilation

Bag mask ventilation is the cornerstone of airway management. It’s often considered a basic procedure, but there is nothing “basic” about BVM ventilation. Skill acquisition requires extensive training and experience. It’s not pretty, sexy, or glamorous. Most people perform it poorly even though it’s an essential part of good airway management. We often relegate the […]

May 5, 2016

Posterior STEMI and Prehospital Tenecteplase (TNK)

EMS is called to the home of a 62-year-old female who complains of shortness of breath and epigastric discomfort. On their arrival, they find the patient sitting on a chair in her living room, holding her hand to her chest while she talks with first responders. She is not pale, but appears diaphoretic, anxious, and […]

May 5, 2016

Mechanical Complications of STEMI

Unfortunately not every patient that suffers a STEMI makes a complete recovery, even if treated with primary PCI. Patients that present late into their infarct have a higher risk of developing a complication. Here are two cases that illustrate the spectrum of mechanical complications that can occur in the aftermath of an infarct. Case 1 […]

April 5, 2016